Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Check out Msada on Spice TV Africa! Snowball is what happens, they say when you live your life—I mean, the life you're meant to live. I decided to do what ever it is to be me. Somehow, I've combined my different loves into a career path. Funny, none of this is planned. I wouldn't have thought five years ago, that I'll be living my best life, let alone, writing about it. What a fabulous opportunity to be featured on TV! On Spice TV Africa that is. I had a great time working with Spice TV Africa, bringing my motherland Spice Most sought after photographers. Episode originally aired on June 6th. Spice Most is an official countdown in everything fashion, pop culture and style and you can catch an episode on Spice TV Africa, on Africa's DSTV Channel 192, Fridays at 2. Notable photographers...

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