Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Check out Msada on Spice TV Africa! Snowball is what happens, they say when you live your life—I mean, the life you're meant to live. I decided to do what ever it is to be me. Somehow, I've combined my different loves into a career path. Funny, none of this is planned. I wouldn't have thought five years ago, that I'll be living my best life, let alone, writing about it. What a fabulous opportunity to be featured on TV! On Spice TV Africa that is. I had a great time working with Spice TV Africa, bringing my motherland Spice Most sought after photographers. Episode originally aired on June 6th. Spice Most is an official countdown in everything fashion, pop culture and style and you can catch an episode on Spice TV Africa, on Africa's DSTV Channel 192, Fridays at 2. Notable photographers highlighted (not all inclusive) were Obi Somto, Kelechi Amadi Obi, Hakeem Salaam, Seyi Isikalu, Emeka Okereke, Ty Bello. Each photographer's work spoke in me in a different way. The thing I like about photography as an art is how a good photograph can help you reach the soul of a subject, without even knowing them. Just like any other form of framed artwork, a good piece is always subject to an audience's interpretation, conjures up different emotions. I certainly enjoyed working on this episode. I couldn't have pulled through this episode without my good friend and formidable woman for a fabulous opportunity, an ambitious one to watch: Sharon Rekana Ojong—Creative Director, D.E.E.V.A.S—a platform empowering young, ambitious men and women who dare to think outside the box, dream big and follow it. Thank you! My mind was totally scatter balls! You made it that much easier and quite enjoyable. My motherland is brewing with so much ambition and often, there's no outlet. That's where Sharon comes in. She has created just that. She empowers young people who dare to dream big. I indulge her in a little chat in my next article. Right now, she's running a BE YOU campaign. "In every woman is someone who is different, elegant, eclectic, versatile, ambitious, sassy but classy and it's our vision to see each and every diva showcase who they really are, what they are made of or stand for, where they are headed and how they choose to live – D.E.E.V.A.S" Be sure to check it out! Catch you later. Thanks for reading. I appreciate you. Love,


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