Thursday, 23 April 2015

MOBOfree Records That More Than 44% User Are From Nigeria  is one of the leading African social marketplaces, today announced that it had experienced an increase of more than 44% in the number of registered users in Nigeria over the past 12 months.
With 4 million registered users, out of which are over 2 million monthly active users in Nigeria, who have posted over 500, 000 active listings, the platform claims that it saw a 1042% increase in the number of classifieds published on the service, making MOBOfree one of the largest and most successful classifieds platforms in Africa.
According to Cristobal Alonso, CEO and co-founder of MOBOfree, the company entered African markets with a unique concept of connecting social networks and classifieds together in a single platform. That strategy seem to be paying off for the platform as evidenced in its substantial growth experienced in recent times.
While noting that the online classifieds market is rapidly growing across Africa, one of its biggest challenges is trying “to convince people of the value of using the internet to buy, sell or swap items and services”.
It doesn’t help too that African countries have their own different cultures, different internet subscription rates, mobile and smartphone penetration. So there’s need to develop an individual strategy for every African market.
And that’s what MOBOfree is doing


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