Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Get GTBank’s Mobile Money App for Android, iOS and Nokia

GTBankMobile Money is a convenient, secure and affordable way to send money to friends and family from your Android device or iOS device. With GTBank Mobile Money, all phone users can transfer funds from any mobile phone to any mobile phone/ bank account in Nigeria. The GTBank’s Mobile Money App for Android, iOS and Nokia has been released. GTBank says they are working on releasing the app via the Blackberry (App) World. The GTBank mobile money app allows you to send money from your mobile phone to another mobile phone or bank account on the go, and you don’t need to have a GTBank account to use the app. Also, you can link your GTBank account to the app but you can only do this after filling a request form at a physical GTBank branch. GTBank says their mobile money app allows you to send money from mobile phone to mobile phone/ bank account on the move with advanced security solutions to protect you and your money. With GTBank’s Mobile Money app, you can make cash deposits into your mobile money account via the Quickteller portal or Quickteller-enabled ATMs. You can also make cash withdrawals from GTBank ATMs without a card as well as fund transfers to any recipient, whether they are mobile money subscribers or not as well as to other banks. Once you download the app and register for a GTBank mobile money account with your mobile number, first and last name and your date of birth, you would need to activate the account with a unique One-Time-Password (OTP) or activation code and choose a 4-digit PIN to ensure privacy of your personal information and security of funds. If you’re using an iPhone device, it gets more secure, since your GTBank mobile money app can only be accessed from your iPhone and would require your Apple ID to use the app. Get the FREE GTBank Mobile Money App on Google Play for your Android or on Apple App store for your iOS device or on Nokia store for your Nokia device Share this post with your friends so they can also get GTBank’s Mobile Money App on Google Play and Apple App Store


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