Monday, 30 March 2015

Facebook Trick: Suggest And Add Yourself As A Friend

I AM AN AVID USER OF FACEBOOK and i’m certain you are, who isn’t? Facebook as you already know is an awesome social networking site but you might get bored if you continue with the normal or default procedures (add and accept friends, create pages, chat and many more). So, once in a while a new trick is introduced to make facebook even more interesting. I’ve shared some exciting facebook tricks, such as: turning your status update upside down, changing the color of your update (Read 5 most interesting facebook tricks to surprise your friends) and lately i showed you how to know who viewed your facebook profile. Today, i’ll be sharing another mind blowing facebook trick which i recently came across, “how to suggest and add yourself as a friend on facebook” and believe me, this is going to scare the hell out of your facebook friends. As seen on the image below, a friend request was sent to the same account and it looks totally impossible but it is; it’s actually a simple trick.

Also, all your facebook friends will get a friend request from their account, leaving them with the thought that their facebook account might have been hacked, it’s going to be amazing guys :) . How To Stop Facebook Email Notifications How To Hide Your Facebook Friends List From The Public Let’s Get Started Are you ready to scare the life out of your friends? Let’s get on with it. Follow the below steps to send friend request to all your facebook friends from their account. On Google chrome browser, visit the chrome web store and search for “facebook social toolkit”. It’s a chrome extension, install to your (chrome) browser. Once it’s installed, click on facebook social toolkit icon. It’ll ask you to navigate to facebook, click OK. Now on facebook, the extension will display six options to make facebook more fun and easier to use. Click on the last (6th) one, which is “Suggest friends to themselves”. As you click on the 6th option, it’ll begin suggesting all your facebook friends a friend request from their account. Hold on till it’s done, and that’s it. Facebook-Social-Toolkit
You, each and every of your facebook friend will receive a friend request from their facebook account and their reaction will be something to talk about. You can as well utilize other cool options on facebook social toolkit, you can use it to invite your friends to like your page, join your group, accept all friend request at once and so on. Once you’ve tried out this trick, ensure to share it with your friends. Let the fun begin :) .


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