Saturday, 6 June 2015

Bill Gates' 5 keys to success

Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, is widely known to be one of the most successful men in history and his fortunes don't seem to be dwindling at any rate, despite being toppled from the top of the Forbes Richest Man In The World list.

Here are 5 of Mr. Gates' tips for success secrets.

1. Think and write down ideas that come to your mind. To succeed, one must always find time to do clear thinking. You can choose a comfortable and serene place away from noise and any form of distraction. While doing this, be sure to write down every and any idea that comes to mind for reference and guidance purposes.

2. Start today - Now is better. Time, they say, waits for no man, so as you get those ideas, be sure to act on them immediately. Procrastination never solves anything.

3. Study the competition. One of Mr. Gates' proven methods is to visit the sites of his competitors and see how he can improve on what they are doing. Knowing what your competitors are up to keeps you in the game and helps you step up your game as well.

4. Make the Internet you base. The internet is the new media, hence, you must have some sort of focus on this platform to be able to make it in business. Focus your ideas on building solution that will help in the future and the Internet can help you judge that.

5. Rely on new technology. Depending on the area of expertise or field lin which your business is based, be sure to always make use of the most current technology available in that segment as that will give you the opportunity to have first hand information and services relevant to your field.


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