Friday, 22 May 2015

Banky W set to perform at Miss Nigeria USA

Last Saturday, April 25, at the Nigerian Consulate New York, the Miss Nigeria USA Pageant held a press conference in anticipation of its 2015 Miss Nigeria USA Pageant contest scheduled for Saturday May 23 at the Alvin Ailey Theater. Founded in 2014, the Miss Nigeria USA was established with the aim of celebrating the Nigerian woman while appreciating their beauty, talent, skills and other unique attributes and goals she exhibits.

We plan to achieve our goal through the Miss Nigeria USA Pageant Event where contestants will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their physical, cultural and intellectual attributes as we choose a goodwill ambassador who will represent Miss Nigeria USA Pageant and Nigeria as a whole on a positive light.

The Pageant aims to be recognized as a leading world organization that empowers young women and supports them towards achieving their individual goals as they promote their culture.

Tickets are on sale now at Nigeria USA have contestants from across the United States who will represent their cities and states while enhancing their native country’s knowledge and promoting their cultural values; thus, creating a breed of leaders and goal oriented individuals.

Tickets are on sale now at


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