Sunday, 3 May 2015

How Men Expect A Lady To Dress For The First Date

The last time we gave some insightful ideas to the women on how we expect them to dress up when we take them out on dates. A Lady is expected to be  appropriately dressed, comfortable, and unique in their appearance. We shall give some insightful ideas to the ladies on how we expect them to dress up when we take them out on dates and also give the ladies a sneak peak into our thoughts and ideas as regards to what we want them to look like.

Enhance your best features
Obviously, ladies want to make a good first impression on the first date through their appearance and composure. It is also important to note that enhancing your best features will be to your advantage as that would diverge our attention from some undue seriousness of the first date to your attractive features. More so, you would feel good if we constantly take our eyes to that enhanced feature that attracts us. Showing of your cleavage may entail you wearing a low cut top or if it is your legs you want to show off, a short skirt would definitely enhance them.
However, we want your trousers or skirts to have a nice fitting i.e not too tight or loose. Opt for colours that complement your skin. If you’ve got large hips, go for dark trousers or skirts and light coloured shirts, if reverse is the case, it can be alternated. Darker shades of colours always conceal features and would be a good idea if you’re uncomfortable about a particular area of your body. Bright colours on the other hand can be used on areas of your body that you’re cool with and needs enhancing.

Be Stylish
Perfection is not a requirement to have on a first date, but being stylish in your own way counts. We expect that your hair would be nicely made and not rough and we can’t seem to tell much about your makeup, so it wouldn’t matter much if you have it on or not. The most important thing is that whatever you decide to put on flatters your natural beauty and is evident to us that you put in a bit of effort.
Style your hair. If you want to do a new hairstyle, test drive it the night before to make sure you can pull it off. Otherwise, go with one of your usual hairstyles. Amp it up a bit by adding a cute headband or clip, or by adding a little more volume than normal.
We all know most ladies can’t do without makeup, but make sure it’s one you’re used to having on so that you don’t look different from who we expect. Make sure that it is simple and not heavy, go for a look that will flatter your facial features and draw us closer to you.
We expect clean and well manicured nails even though it is not compulsory to have them coated. You can have them matched with your outfit or your lipstick but ensure the ones on tour nails are not chirped as that might send the wrong statement. In all, allow the makeup and polished nails flatter your features.

Be Clean
This is very important for everyone as your being clean and presentable will be a huge plus in the book of good first impressions. Try as much as possible not to look like you haven’t taken your bath in days or like one that came out of bed straight to the date. Appear like one that actually thought of what to wear and how to appear. Try and take your bath a few minutes or hours to the date so you can appear fresh. This will entail planning well so as to meet up with the schedule. If there is enough time, you can have a manicure or pedicure some hours before the date, so we can have the idea you really did put in a lot of effort.

Take it easy with the perfume
It is a good thing to wear your favourite perfume or spray as you would smell nice to everyone around. But remember that not everyone might like the particular fragrance you enjoy or being choked by it. We want you to smell nice but we don’t want our sense of smell to be overwhelmed. To avoid over spraying, dab a little on your wrists, behind your ears, neck and cleavage. This would help reduce the chances of choking anyone around. Body sprays also require a few squirts and a good idea is to point it away, spray and walk directly through the mist formed. This helps to drastically reduce the spray on you and at the same time helps you get just the right non choking odour.

Lastly, remember to be confident and comfortable as we also want to be relaxed around you. Hopefully, you can build on the first date to something more solid.


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