Wednesday, 13 May 2015

GBT (Golden Break Through) Auditions is back by popular demand on the Lagos mainland

Have you got what it takes for super-stardom? THis is your chance to perform at LoudNProudLive Series with a full live band set and more.

The LoudNProudLive affiliated talent contest GBT is back by popular demand supporting young upcoming talent in and around Lagos state.

 DATE: Thursday May 21, 2015

Venue: X Factor Lounge 52 Adeniran Ogunsanya (next to Etisalat) Surulere, Lagos.

 Time: 8PM

 Fast track - Secure your performance/audition slot: Upload song (mp3) & details: . ‪

GBT auditions, giving tomorrows stars a LoudNProundLive voice today.

On ‎Every 3rd Thursday Monthly


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