Saturday, 9 May 2015

Public Holiday Social media day

Proponents of the Social media day say they would want the Social Media day, which is celebrated annually on June 30th, to be made a public holiday.

They made this call online, while speaking on preparations for the special event.

Social media has changed the face of communication and brought a whole new meaning to friendship and community.

According to mashable, Social Media day “is a day set aside for us to step back and truly recognize the impact these tools have made on our lives.”

 Mashable came up with the innovative idea of mapping out a day, to celebrate and highlight the various ways in which Social Media has impacted our generation, first in 2010.

It has since grown to be a globally celebrated event. Watch out for the programme of events for this year’s Social media day. Hopefully, our President will declare it as a public holiday. Keep your fingers crossed. It might just be a dream come through.


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